How did you get here? From somewhere in [CELIA - F PATH] or [CELIA - K PATH]
"Finally, you've reached the top!"
Congratulations, weary traveler, you have survived your first fORk. The two paths have been united again, and there is only one road to walk, for now...
There are several screens to explore here, and you may as well take a look at all of them. Make sure you definitely take the opportunity to look down, now that you've finally managed to "get high" like the dishevelled character from Level 8 recommended. From this high up, you can finally see the full length and breadth of the tiled floor where you first met him. Perhaps now you will be able to open that door.
But firstly, you will need to figure out how to leave this place and get back down. You can take the strange helter-skelter on the left presumably, but it requires a five letter password. The signpost on the right can give you the password, but it will take some figuring out. If you're familiar with the game Mastermind, you may not find this too difficult. If you are not...
Pay attention to the words that are 0/0 Those words help you to completely eliminate several possible letters
Look for words that are mostly made up of 'eliminated' letters Those words help you to find correct letters, or even letters in correct positions
Look for words that have the same letters in the same positions Those words help you to find the correct positions for specific letters
It requires more work than the levels that you have encountered before, but it is solvable!
“The letters from NYMPH(0/0) and CHARM(0/0) can be completely eliminated, so the solution does not contain A, C, H, M, N, P, R, Y.
RHYME(1/1) is reduced to _ _ _ _ E, giving you the last letter of the solution.
CARDS(2/1) is reduced to 'D' and 'S', with one of those letters being in the right position. Therefore, the solution contains D and S, but it is currently unclear where.
STEAM(2/1) and STONE(2/2) both contain 'E'. STONE has 'E' in the right position, STEAM has 'E' in the wrong position. Removing that letter leaves STAM(1/1) and STON(1/1) - both words have one letter in the right position. So, it must be either 'S' or 'T'. Since 'S' is definitely present in the solution (see CARDS(2/1) above) then it follows that 'S' is the letter in the correct position. So the solution is S _ _ _ E.
If either 'S' or 'D' is in the right position for CARDS, and now we know that it is not 'S', therefore 'D' is in the right position for the solution.
Only the second and third positions of the solution are unfilled. BLISS(3/2) and FLINT(3/2) satisfy those missing letter positions accordingly.”
Remember to refer to the posts in Getting Started if you need some general tips.