How did you get here? From somewhere in [BERYL]
"Suddenly the elevator stops in mid-air. You should figure out something if you want to keep moving."
You have reached your first fork in EBONY! You can choose either the F path or the K path to progress, meaning there are two valid solutions here. Pay attention to the source code of both pages - each one has a comment which tells you how identify which path you are taking.
The F path is the most immediately obvious one to most people - identify letters with a similar feature and solve the anagram. Pay attention to the text on the second level page to figure out K path - you'll notice it mentions turning around and observing from a different point of view... It is a similar process of identifying letters with the same trait and solving the anagram. (Do not confuse M for W!)
Sometimes in EBONY, there will be references to things that are beyond your current knowledge. This is normal. Google is your friend, and our tools can make the tedious work less tedious.
“F path is orange(# ae3d25), and K path is half orange / half blue(# 314159 - this number is similar to PI). Identify the orange letters and solve, or identify the upside-down letters and solve.”
Remember to refer to the posts in Getting Started if you need some general tips.